Item 592 out of 907
Lot # 592 - Falta Mint Copper 1/2 Anna Prinsep Issue AH 1195 /22 RY In the name of Shah Alam II of Bengal Presidency.
 Falta  Mint  Copper 1/2 Anna  Prinsep Issue  AH 1195 /22 RY  In the name of  Shah Alam II of Bengal Presidency.
 Falta  Mint  Copper 1/2 Anna  Prinsep Issue  AH 1195 /22 RY  In the name of  Shah Alam II of Bengal Presidency.  Falta  Mint  Copper 1/2 Anna  Prinsep Issue  AH 1195 /22 RY  In the name of  Shah Alam II of Bengal Presidency.
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  •   e-Auction # 43
  •  Bids: 1
  •  Views:453
Start Price 3000 Estimated Price 3000-4000
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Quick Description
DenominationAnna 1/2MetalCopper
Year (AH/VS/SE/AM)AH 1195RY (Ruling Year)22
Full Description:

Bengal Presidency, Falta Mint, Copper 1/2 Anna, Prinsep Issue, AH 1195/22 RY, In the name of Shah Alam II, Obv: Persian legend Shah Alam Badshah,  1195 Hijri years”, Rev: Persian legend Sana 22 julus”, 13.67g, 29mm, (KM # 126), about very fine, Rare.

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